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Marjolaine Leray is the creative engine behind the successes of Studio ALM and so much more.
Despite her impressive education in a plethora of schools (Forestry and Wildlife, Mechanical Engineering and Finance) and profound success as an investment banker, it was interior design and the arts that captured Marjolaine and it is interior design and the arts that remains the custodian of this creatively gifted individual.
Leray claims her distinctive style is the fortuitous result of her “self-taught” approach and late entry into the industry as it prevented her from building an ego and freed her from the status quo.
Interior design agency, Studio ALM (launched in 2007 on a Hilltop above St Tropez), embodies Marjolaine’s curious and attentive imagination. It is nestled at the top of a hill overlooking the medieval village of Ramatuelle, which is of special importance as it is where Marjolaine grew up. Marjolaine claims the rural setting is crucial to keeping herself and her unconventionally inclined team grounded.
Studio ALM has an impressive international portfolio including site locations in Thailand, London, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, USA and of course France. Projects range from houses, restaurants, hotels... in the words of Marjolaine "everything that brings life.” Studio ALM in Australia is located in Queen Street Woollara